04 November 2018

If the traditional evidence for the existence of God-–order, contingency, hierarchy-–is dismissed as
worthless evocation, one may ask what is the worth of any assertion regarding existence.  To say these aged arguments “merely cover our ignorance” is a wide cover indeed, so wide in fact, there may be no end to the expanse of ignorance and illusion they imply. 
Foundational beliefs about existence---God, beauty, morality, gravitons, multiverses ---are nowhere but in the mind-set of individuals.                          ---After Unamuno, Tragic Sense of Life
Evolution of organisms is a two step process: (1) random  production of genetic variability;  (2) ordering of this variability by natural selection.        (--Ernst Mayr in Scientific American)S
These premises are fruitful human inventions, it is unfortunate they cannot be falsified.  Other realms of knowledge, notably mathematics, also suggest they are incomplete.     
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Physicists, poets, musicians, even some philosophers, see the physical world as an endless and astonishing variety of things and happenings: a rose glistening in the morning sun, a squirrel scampering up and down a tree, a mountain slowly rising above the sea, exciting rhythms from a guitar, planets endlessly circling the sun, streaming electrons transformed into x-rays in a dentist's office.