While God is the focus of all I believe,
Molecular structures are all I see.
Looming images of God,
Dim, remote, fearful,
Towering in a desolate desert,
A perilous gamble to know:
Few surrender, many suffer –Dreadful!
For quite some time, my deepest awareness has been that I am a pilgrim in an alien land.
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Tavern Talk
Emp: I feel good, connected, one with the world, the universe. I’m at home.
Ide: But your world is flat, your contentment is blind to the deep of existence.
Emp: Whatever. I like where I live, it is comfortable. I can touch it, hear it, see it -- my beating heart, exotic fish in the depths of the sea. What I cannot see is not a challenge.
Ide: But where does fish soup come from, or a fish scrawled on an ancient wall, graffiti left by folks for whom the world was not flat?
Emp: Fish soup I know, folks who draw fish on walls I do not know. I do know their descendants today show little eagerness to plunge into the sea of their ancient belief.
Ide: We are a sorry lot.